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2024 DIY Class Survey Results

Published on 3/31/2024
2024 DIY Class Survey Results

About the Survey
  • Invitation and link to the survey was mailed to our membership on February 27, 2024
  • This survey was open from February 27, 2024 through March 19, 2024
  • Follow up notifications were sent on March 8 and March 15 2024
  • As of March 20, 2024 a total of 46 members responded to the survey
  • All questions in the survey are included in this article

Q1. Select the type of Project you would like to learn about and build.

Q2. From the following list, select the DIY project option(s) of interest to you.

Q3. Would you want to participate in an event that is just a build project or you prefer a mix of theory and build?

Q4. What is the longest amount of time you willing to spend in each class?

Q5. Would you participate in multiple day workshops?

Q6. Which DIY class locations are acceptable to you?

Q7. Which day of the week would you prefer to attend class?

Q8. What is your level of experience in building or modifying electronic gear?

Q9. Would you be willing to teach a class as a teacher or a lab supervisor?

Out of 46 respondents, we received the following positive responses to this question:

  • 4 would assist
  • 2 responded maybe
  • 2 responded yes
