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2023 Muse Reader Survey Results

Larry Deniston | Published on 12/27/2023

Monday, December 18, 2023
Survey: The Muse Reader Survey 2023

Answer and Number of Responses:

Question: Which devices do you use
• Android Mobile Phone 9
• Desktop 26
• iOS Mobile phone 19
• Laptop 41
• Tablet 21

Question: Which app or browser do you use
• Apple Mail 5
• Apple Safari 33
• Brave 1
• Brave (a secure Chromium Browser) 1
• DuckDuckGo 2
• Google Chrome 22
• Google Gmail 4
• Microsoft Edge 3
• Microsoft Mail 1
• Microsoft Outlook 2
• Mozilla Firefox 16
• Mozilla Thunderbird 2
• Proton Mail 1
• Yahoo Mail 4

Question: Which do you use the most
• Android Mobile Phone 5
• Desktop 22
• iOS Mobile Phone 4
• Laptop 26
• Tablet 12

Question: Size of text readability

• Neither easy nor difficult 14
• Somewhat difficult 2
• Somewhat easy 15
• Very easy 38

Question: Section Ratings-Intro

• Neither Important or Unimportant 12
• Somewhat Important 30
• Somewhat Unimportant 4
• Unimportant 2
• Very Important 21

Question: Section Ratings-Roger's Corner
• Neither Important or Unimportant 15
• Somewhat Important 30
• Somewhat Unimportant 1
• Unimportant 1
• Very Important 22

Question: Section Ratings-Upcoming Events

• Neither Important or Unimportant 5
• Somewhat Important 14
• Unimportant 2
• Very Important 48

Question: Section Ratings-Past Event Write-ups

• Neither Important or Unimportant 5
• Somewhat Important 32
• Somewhat Unimportant 3
• Unimportant 2
• Very Important 27

Question: Section Ratings-Website Highlights
• Neither Important or Unimportant 8
• Somewhat Important 35
• Somewhat Unimportant 3
• Unimportant 3
• Very Important 20

Question: Section Ratings-Industry News
• Neither Important or Unimportant 8
• Somewhat Important 29
• Somewhat Unimportant 2
• Unimportant 2
• Very Important 28

Question: Section Ratings - Industry Events
• Neither Important or Unimportant 8
• Somewhat Important 30
• Somewhat Unimportant 2
• Unimportant 1
• Very Important 28

Question: Section Ratings - Tech Talk
• Neither Important or Unimportant 8
• Somewhat Important 30
• Somewhat Unimportant 1
• Unimportant 1
• Very Important 29

Question: Section Ratings - New Toys
• Neither Important or Unimportant 9
• Somewhat Important 33
• Unimportant 2
• Very Important 25

Question: Section Ratings - Video Vault
• Neither Important or Unimportant 18
• Somewhat Important 23
• Somewhat Unimportant 8
• Unimportant 5
• Very Important 15

Question: Section Ratings - Humor
• Neither Important or Unimportant 18
• Somewhat Important 21
• Somewhat Unimportant 13
• Unimportant 2
• Very Important 15

Question: Section Ratings - Music Picks
• Neither Important or Unimportant 12
• Somewhat Important 28
• Somewhat Unimportant 3
• Unimportant 1
• Very Important 25

Question: Overall Rating
• 2: 1
• 5: 3
• 6: 3
• 7: 11
• 8: 22
• 9: 11
• 10: 18

Question: Would you recommend The Muse
• No 8
• Yes 61
