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2014 Schedule of Events

Alón Sagee | Published on 3/31/2014

Here are our upcoming events in California for 2014. More may be added as we move through the year. We did our best to also avoid dates that conflict with audiophile events outside California, but no promises there. More information on each will be published well before the event date:

Saturday, May 3rd: BAAS Audio Gear SmackDown #2: Tweaks, Voodoo and Magic (more crazy fun with your BAAS friends)
Friday, May 30th: THE SHOW Newport Beach (If you haven’t been, make the pilgrimage… it’s dizzying!)
Saturday, July 19th: BAAS Albert Von Schweikert (One of the most successful speaker designers in the world)
Friday, August 15th: California Audio Show Burlingame (This one is on our home turf and not to be missed!)
Saturday, September 27th: BAAS DIY Audio Cable-Making workshop (Many requests for this after SmackDown #1… and here it is)
Saturday, November 15th: BAAS Audio Gear SmackDown #2: Digital (stay tuned for details)

Put these dates in your calendars. They should be reliable, but as always, unforeseen changes are possible. Updates will all be posted here.

See you soon!



 One thought on “2014 Schedule of Events”

ptruce says:    
April 3, 2014 at 5:59 am Edit    

Wonderful idea to post the schedule and I fully support the new dues structure. However, with additional dues, should come additional transparency.

Would it be possible to post a report or email one to Active members of what our treasury situation is and what the additional funds will be used for? Proposed budget? I think this is kind of standard in other organizations.

Thanks for the great work, Alon.

Peter Truce
