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Event Attendees Respond!

Alón Sagee | Published on 11/18/2014

Here are some excerpts of responses from SFAS members who attended Audio Day in Wine Country:

First of all, one couldn’t help but be impressed by the enthusiasm of our hosts for good music, good sound and good value. I was really impressed by the Larson speaker setup, especially since I had never heard of the Larsen company before. The wine and snacks were great, too. Please relay my thanks to our hosts for a most enjoyable day. — Bill

I thoroughly enjoyed meeting some of the other members of our society.  The food and drink were a very nice set up and appreciated.  The money for the ticket to get in was well worth it. I would be willing to go back for another event.  Especially given the room, the crowd of people, the sound was quite good. — Michael

Loved it.  Many thanks for organizing it. I thought that it was an excellent listening setup, given the number of listeners on hand. It probably would have been more interesting were the focus not so much on a single product.  (But I understand that somebody has to pay for all that excellent food and wine.) I would think you could have another event with the exact same focus and have a different set of members. I hope that Craig managed to sell some product — I will buy from him in the future, depending on the products I need.  Thanks, Steve

I want to thank you for getting me in on the event at the last minute as I so enjoyed it. This was my first event, since I am a new member, and I thought it was fantastic. I was quite curious about what to expect, and this was such a treat, that if other events are only half as wonderful I’d be thrilled to attend. I was surprised and disappointed when it was over. When I thanked Craig at the end, you could tell he was drained and exhausted, and he obviously put his heart and soul into his presentation. I know how hard that can be, and I think he did a great job. I am looking forward to the next event I can attend, and want you to know how much I appreciate what you do. Sincerely, Gordon.

I really enjoyed our session yesterday. It was great to hear music from all sources so that one can compare the changes between digital and analog.  In addition, the variety of music that was presented was a nice change. Sometimes we get too caught up with only one genre.  I always learn something new at each session. Thanks for all your work. — John

The event was very nice.  Obviously a lot of work by you Craig and others went into making this event a success. The equipment and demo were quite well put together and executed. The nice range of music highlighted the the strengths of the audio system. The lunch was quite nice as well. I was told the wine was quite nice, (I don’t drink wine) and you had non-alcoholic beverages for the non-drinkers. Hats off to all the people involved in the program! — Kenneth

I enjoyed the event. We didn’t stick around to visit the members home as we wanted to stretch our legs and explore the town, do some wine tasting, and go out for dinner. I really liked the presenter. He didn’t overly talk nor keeping us too long to hear what the system can do. I was very impressed with the Larson speaker sound quality when anywhere in the center areas of the room. I think the speakers could use a grill that squares off the top for a better look and for the price should have a more refined look. The food at the event was real good. Overall, the event seemed to go smoothly and my wife and I enjoyed being there and in Healdsburg. — Vincent


  One thought on “Event Attendees Respond!”

jazzfan says:    
November 21, 2014 at 5:22 am Edit    

Sounds like I missed an enjoyable event. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend due to a prior engagement. Perhaps another time.
