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Member Feedback: Loudspeaker Event in Boulder Creek

Alón Sagee | Published on 7/15/2015

Albert Von Schweikert presenting to SFAS

Our Loudspeaker event with Albert Von Schweikert at Joe and Debbie Hakim’s home in the South Bay was loads of fun! Everyone I spoke with so far agrees with that. And, as always in audiophile circles, some members loved the sound and some kinda sorta liked it, but not so much. Here’s what some attendees shared:
  • Alon: This is just what the doctor ordered. Friends, music, food and a system tuned to the room by the host. A great idea realized – hats off to the SFAS board and our hosts Joe and Debbie!


  • (div>Hi Alón, I really enjoyed the get-together last Saturday… the people, the learning and the sheer pleasure of listening to music played at that level of quality. Glad I signed up as a member of SFAS!
  • Alon, That was an easy review email to write. It truly was a great day and an honor to listen to Albert Von Schweikert speak and experience that incredible system. The only negative was going home and listening to my system afterwards. After a day of rest I was able to enjoy listening at home again.
    We will try to make future events as they are offered, but will always support the cause. With best regards
    ~Andy and Kristen
  • I love such meets where equipment is demoed and compared side by side with other equipment. This meetup was very good.
  • Albert is easy to talk to and generous in sharing his time.
  • Some people were getting anxious to start playing music when his talk ran a little longer than expected. I was interested in everything he had to say, but it may be helpful in the future set expectations to help the speaker stick to the plan, ex. “Albert will take about 15 minutes to tell us …” or something. This would have been particularly useful for the event at Leslie’s house where the speaker strayed far far off topic and should have been reined back in.

  • I was a little surprised by the music startup pitch. It seemed slightly off topic but I can see why you allowed it. If there are more people asking for this kind of opportunity to present I suggest giving them 30 seconds for their elevator pitch then voting if we want to hear more.
  • I’d like to have a listing of the music we heard in some followup blog post. It can be hard to track down the album and song during the event and I’d like to take a closer listen to some of them at home.
  • For any comparisons, including the amp comparison of that day, I strongly prefer having matched SPL for the different component chains. This could be done beforehand by calibrating with pink noise and marking the volume position, on a piece of tape next to the dial if necessary, so it’s easy to return to.

 One thought on “Member Feedback: Loudspeaker Event in Boulder Creek”

fotomeow says:    
July 16, 2015 at 10:53 am Edit    

Another great event! Generous hosts and our guest speaker, happy listeners, and a beautiful day in Boulder Creek. I loved the location. I can’t get to the SFAS events which are North Bay or East Bay, so any events South of SF definitely work for me. Alon, thanks again for your focus and organization!
