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Turntable Guru Michael Fremer is Coming to SFAS on August 22!

Alón Sagee | Published on 7/21/2015

If your audiophile journey has taken you through the wet concrete of the mystifying and sometimes tantrum-inducing task of setting up an analog music system, fear not, for help is coming. If you’re just getting into vinyl, or are considering adding it to your rig, or even if you’ve been doing analog for years and believe your set-up sounds good, we will all benefit from this event.

Internationally renowned audio expert Michael Fremer is coming to SFAS to show us how to unleash our turntables’ full expression of musical power! When we finally hear the difference a correctly set up analog front-end can make – suddenly, there’s no question that it was worth it. I remember the early days of trying it on my own and spending hours, or days forgetting to eat and bathe making adjustments.

Yes, it can be frustrating to slog through the learning curve of correctly setting VTF, VTA, SRA, Azimuth, Anti-Skate, Overhang, Over-Bite, Anti-Matter (wait, I may be making up some of these), not to mention cartridge/tonearm compatibility, platter speed drift, stylus drag, proton exchange, etc… but Michael insists that anybody can do this and do it well, as long as you have access to the right tools and the right instruction – which is what you’ll get in this fun, interactive event.

If you’re a member, you should have received the invitation to register for this event. if not, first check your Junk folder, and if it’s still not there, write to me and I’ll get you the details.

See you there!

