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SFAS Hits a New Record with Michael Fremer

Alón Sagee | Published on 3/8/2014

Pun intended (more accurately, stolen from a conversation with Michael).

73 attendees at the Michael Fremer Turntable set-up seminar represented the largest gathering of any SFAS event to date. We broke the record (OK, I’ll stop now). But more importantly, everyone had such a good time, including Michael, who generously travelled cross-country from NJ to teach us how to get the absolute most out of our turntables!

In this seminar, Michael found a very eager and engaged audience (we love to learn don’t we?) that enjoyed his light-hearted humor, impressions of different characters, along with a clear, easy to understand instruction style that made sense even for non-techies. In short, everyone loved him, and we already invited him back for more, probably next year.

We’ll be doing a full write-up and posting it soon. Stay tuned.


One thought on “SFAS Hits a New Record with Michael Fremer”

Daniel Russell says:    
August 24, 2015 at 7:25 pm Edit    

I’m Dan from Santa cruz county new member. Very informative the qtip tip to open ends of phono connections will help when I change cartridges on my music hall 2.2 . I learned a lot about turntables on Saterday my wife had a great time the food was fantastic thank you very much .
