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A Wave of Responses From Event Attendees

Alón Sagee | Published on 8/24/2015

Here are a few of the many responses from members regarding the Michael Fremer event on Saturday. If you’d like to add your impressions, leave a comment on this post.


So great! FYI, I ordered one of those digital microscopes if you guys ever need one.

– Larry


Great event! Well done, Michael was exactly as expected, funny and interesting. I learned a lot, and of course Leslie’s venue (and Leslie) are great.

– John


KUDOS! This was fantastic. -Stephane


A very good event. It was good seeing everybody. I don’t own a turntable but I still found it informative. Michael is entertaining!


I had a great time at the event. it was very nice getting to meet a genuine celebrity from the media that I have been reading for years. His presentation was interesting as well as enlightening. I am afraid I am going to have to purchase his DVD on TT set-up which I have threatened to do for a couple of years now. Fortunately for me, my table sets up fairly easily. It is a set and forget type of thing. So I don’t do much in the way of tinkering. But none the less, I want to know if my unit is set up correctly or as correctly as possible so that I know I am getting the best results possible. So, I will get the DVD and do a run through on my unit.
As for Michael’s overall presentation, in general I was impressed. If there had been more time and he had all of the equipment necessary to complete the project fully and we could then hear by way of a playback the outcome of all his efforts, this would have been nice. Given the circumstances and environment in which he had to work, I think it went fine. As for me I would have tried to stay for the second or afternoon session, but could not because of other commitments. A great Saturday at SFAS. Do more of the same. Thanks for your help in putting this together.


Even though I don’t own a turntable or expect to get one any time soon, I wanted to attend the Michael Fremer event to learn more about how to set-up a turntable. I would say I learned a lot about how to do this and I found Fremer both informative, but humorous in his lecture, which made learning all the more interesting. I would also like to thanks Leslie for allowing us to have the meeting at her place and for the great eats as well! Thanks to you all for setting up this event! It was run smoothly and effectively! Best! 



What a score it was for you guys to get Michael Fremer to be there. A fun personality, and a great presentation. I think the turnout showed it was hugely popular with the group.



I hung in there for a while… then the Sandman got me. Way over my head. The reason I was there was Ed is interested even if he will never buy that expensive of a set. He said he enjoyed it and I noticed he didn’t get sleepy. I think Mike was a good speaker, kept everybody interested, good sense of humor. Food was fine and good company.

-Karen and Ed


I was so excited about the afternoon program that I decided to catch the last part of the first session. Michael Fremer, of course, is one of the highest profile writers and bloggers of the high end. I’m very impressed that we could have him address our group in such a comfortable and informal setting. Thanks for arranging this. The presentation itself was funny, entertaining and useful. It’s always better to see things done in person, complete with dropped screws and uncertainties regarding the direction to rotate various items. We can all identify with those things. I think that SFAS should consider acquiring some of the setup equipment that Michael mentioned. It would be a great membership benefit. Finally, I did capture Michael’s opening explanation regarding his TAS apparel, and here is a link to the video:



Thank you for the turntable event, I learned a lot. The lunch was great, my wife had fun and I’m happy. I have a simple music hall 2.2 turntable and tone arm which is almost idiot proof, but the tooth pick tip will help me when i want to upgrade from my grado gold moving magnet cartridge. Thank you for a great Saturday!



Fremer is always personable and funny, full of good information and easy to understand. Leslie’s hospitality and eats were very fine, she must be a saint to open her nice house to such a crowd.



Alón, Thank you (and Leslie, Dan, David, Albert, Laurent and Michael). That was a very nice and useful event. You (plural) have certainly reinvigorated the Society.


 7 thoughts on “A Wave of Responses From Event Attendees”

Alón says:    
August 25, 2015 at 8:06 am Edit    

Here’s another:

Hello Alon!

The event over this past weekend with Michael Fremer was really fun. I learned a lot! This was my first event with the SF Audiophile Society after becoming a new member 2 weekends ago at the CA Audio show and I can’t wait for more to come. Thanks!!

By the way, does Michael Fremer have an email where people can ask him analog related questions and get answers?
I have some questions regarding an older Pioneer PL-12 I am thinking of refurbishing myself.

All the best, Grayson
Alón says:    
August 25, 2015 at 9:59 am Edit    

Although I am 100% digital, I loved every minute of the event. To hear Michael’s thoughts on music and other topics during the turntable setup was fantastic.


Alón says:    
August 25, 2015 at 10:08 am Edit    

VERY informative and especially nice to meet one of the true sages of our industry in person.
Michael is a very interesting and entertaining personality. And his knowledge of the products,
manufacturing, and history of the analog world is remarkable!

Add that to Leslie’s incredible hosting and home hospitality, and I’d say it was the best SFAS
event ever!


Alón says:    
August 25, 2015 at 11:52 am Edit    

I thoroughly enjoyed the lunch and Michael’s afternoon session. Whether or not I ever tune up my turntable myself (versus leaving that to my dealer as I have in the past) I feel I now know where to find the details of what I would need to know to do it myself (whether from Michael’s DVD or website) should I ever decide to become more self reliant for turntable and cartridge setup & maintenance.

– Ulick
Alón says:    
August 26, 2015 at 8:59 pm Edit    

Hello Alón,

I LOVED the event! I joined the SFAS at the CA Audio Show in Burlingame just one week prior, so the Michael Fremer event was my first get-together with the group.

On the plus side;
I thought the event was very, very well organized, including the pre-event announcements. The event was very well attended, yet it “flowed” seamlessly. The food was delectable and perfectly presented. Everyone I met was incredibly friendly. I felt genuinely welcomed by everyone I talked with. Leslie’s home was the absolute perfect venue. The lecture itself was both highly informative, entertaining, and engaging. You guys even saw to it that the weather on Sunday was gorgeous – good job!

On the negative side;
Unfortunately, on Sunday I was made aware of tons of ultra-cool audio gadgets that I don’t yet own but now crave and as a result, I may have to turn to a life of crime to supplement my income.

Thank you again; you folks are awesome!
- Shelly (San Jose)

Alón says:    
August 26, 2015 at 9:01 pm Edit    

I thought the event was enjoyable. Major thanks to all those that prepared lunch and all the snacks!!

While the setup demo was interesting (although I have seen it before), it might have been nice to have spent some more time finding about Michael’s other pursuits, such as equipment and LP reviews, the high-end industry in general, and also his new radio show, and where he’s going with that. Just a thought…

Otherwise, great event!


Alón says:    
August 26, 2015 at 9:02 pm Edit    

Dear Alon,

Mr. Fremer did a very fine job of describing what you need to do to set up a tonearm and cartridge. He was clear (except when he stood between the camera and the cartridge), complete, and humorous. And properly cautionary about “take a break when you need to.” But I have to confess my sympathy with the fellow sitting next to me, who leaned over to say “This is why I’m all-digital.” And with the New Yorker cartoon “What really attracted me to vinyl was the expense and inconvenience.”

It did seem unusual for an instructional talk to rely on the “Wally” devices, which I gathered are no longer available.

The talk was a great window into an entire subject that up to that point I had only read about.
 — Brad
