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The SFAS Audiophile Educational Events

Alón Sagee | Published on 9/24/2015

The SFAS Audiophile Education Events are designed to offer all of our members the opportunity to be involved in compelling conversations, presentations and demonstrations directly with our industry’s most innovative thinkers –– interactions of a caliber that would be hard to experience elsewhere, even at audio shows.
In these events, we can boldly explore new ideas, ask questions, and ultimately, go beyond all theory and listen with our own ears to hear the truth.
We will continue putting the brightest, most passionate and creative presenters we can find in front of you, with a goal that your love of superbly recreated music will be met with a deeper understanding of the technologies that can bring your system closer to a live music experience. If that excites you as much as it does us, come join in the fun –– just look for any event under the SFAS Audiophile Education Series banner.

And, no, you don’t need to be a tech-savvy geek to enjoy these events, they are designed to be accessible and fun for everyone. However, if you do have a propeller hat, definitely wear it with pride.

See you at the next event!
