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Upcoming Event! Saturday March 26th SOLD OUT

Alón Sagee | Published on 3/7/2016

Room Correction Event with Audio Engineer, Manny LaCarrubba.

This event is SOLD OUT

Join us for a seminar with Manny La Currabba and learn about different methods and systems for achieving better sound through room correction. Bring your questions and a notepad because Manny is a wealth of information and an excellent (and patient) teacher. 

If you’d like to join us for a brown bag lunch (BYOL) at 12:00pm you can get in some extra shmoozing time with your audio friends!

To register for an SFAS event you must be an active member of the society. Go to the membership tab and sign up. Annual dues of $25 can be paid through PayPal or Credit Card. Once a member, you will receive emails directly from SFAS about upcoming events, including cost, time, location and carpooling options.

Note: If you are an active member (with yearly dues paid) and are not receiving the SFAS email Newsletters, please check your SPAM folder thoroughly. If you still can’t find them, write to us and we’ll fix it on our end. On your end, make sure you “white list” our emails by entering alon(at)sfaudiophilesociety(dot)com into your address book.
