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Almost 80 Members for Elite Audio’s Saturday Event!

Alón Sagee | Published on 7/26/2016

This Saturday, our joint event with Michael Woods at Elite Audio is drawing a lot of attention! Is it the great gear, the audio illuminati attending… or is it his awesome high-end great-sounding coffee bar? Probably all the above.

If you haven’t yet decided to join us on Saturday July 30th at Elite Audio, whatzamattayou? Seriously, come join dozens of your fellow SFAS members in what should be a banner day in audio history (OK, maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but it will be fun!).

Come meet audio industry illuminati Michael Fremer (Analog Guru), Alon Wolf (Magico), Allen Perkins (Spiral Groove), George and Carolyn Counnas (Zesto) and others.

Hear the world-wide debut of Magico’s M3 loudspeaker ($75K) and the new  analog heavyweight contender by Swiss turntable maker DeBaer.

Michael Fremer will be conducting three turntable workshops throughout the day (at this point, write to me if you want to register).

Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday from 9:30AM to 7:00PM!

Elite Audio & Coffee Bar — 893 Folsom St, San Francisco, CA 94107

