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System Audition Events (a.k.a. Sys-Hops)

Alón Sagee | Published on 12/11/2016

This past weekend was the SFAS debut of our System Audition Events, also known as Sys-Hops. I wasn’t sure there would be too much hopping since the five systems available for members to audition were spread out pretty far from each other… well, I was wrong. There was a lot of hopping around the Bay Area!

One of my guests drove from South San Jose to the East Bay and then drove to Marin before heading back home. Another drove from San Francisco to Healdsburg in wine country before arriving at my door! What a great membership we have. Thanks to all who made the effort, I trust you enjoyed yourselves.

If you did enjoy it, please share your experience on the forum that we created just for that. Tell us what you thought of the room, the sound, meeting other members, anything you want to share. Your feedback is really important to us! Click the link below:

Shared Listening Sessions

  2 thoughts on “System Audition Events (a.k.a. Sys-Hops)”

David Snyder says:    
December 12, 2016 at 10:45 am Edit    

I was delighted to read that Tony and his girlfriend had a chance to hear both your system and Albert’s. No doubt well worth the drive; I can’t wait to hear them myself!

I’m hoping to hear from a few more folks, but by all accounts, this was a very successful event that we should consider repeating with expanded participation from other SFAS members who are willing to host. Actual system hopping will be practical if we can find 2-3 hosts for each of the roughly five geographic centers of our membership. This is going to be so much fun!

Tony says:    
December 13, 2016 at 8:22 am Edit    

It was a great listening experience at Albert’s home as well and I would like to attend many more events like this in the future.
