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In Memoriam: Alón Sagee
By Leslie Lundin
Posted: 2024-06-30T02:26:22Z

A Tribute to Alón Sagee, our Founder who tragically passed away June 9, 2024

It’s rare to meet someone who truly changes your life. Alón Sagee had that effect on people. In 2014, a twist of fate brought Alón and me together as if some divine force had destined us to save the Bay Area Audiophile Society (BAAS). Bob Walters had been running BAAS for many years with Jason Serinus organizing events. With Jason’s departure from the Bay Area and Bob’s health issues, the group was on the verge of disbanding. Although I had attended only a few events and Alón potentially even fewer, we both responded to the call for help. This marked the beginning of the San Francisco Audiophile Society (SFAS).

I vividly remember our first conversation. It felt like dusting off an old, deep friendship. Alón struck me as uniquely articulate, friendly, likable, persuasive, and driven—a perfect combination for a leader and mentor. Working with him was a pleasure. Together, we envisioned a group that would expand beyond BAAS, offering more events, fostering a greater sense of community, and becoming a central figure in the audiophile world. We incorporated as a 501(c)(7), renamed the group to SFAS, began holding monthly events in Orinda and other Bay Area locations, secured a room at the California Audio Show to grow awareness, started the Muse monthly newsletter, set up a website, formed a board, and more. Alón led the charge with a clear vision that ultimately became a reality. SFAS was his latest venture, a testament to his business acumen.

As SFAS grew, Alón's health began to decline. Watching him struggle despite the persistent spark in his eyes was difficult. We desperately wanted him to stay with us, but fate can be cruel. Every month, we publish the Muse and at every event, we honor his memory. I like to think he watches over us, as we safeguard his legacy and nourish those beautiful seeds we planted on that fateful day in the Spring of 2014.

- Leslie Lundin

From Anya Sagee: “There will be an intimate memorial at a friends’ home on June 30th. Please ask people to hold Alón and his family in their thoughts and prayers that day. Some folks have also asked if they can make a donation in Alón’s name to a cause he cared about. I’ve picked the Children’s Music Fund as the non-profit.”

We welcome readers who wish to leave words of remembrance to leave a comment.

Tagged as In MemoriamAlon
