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Grant's Guitar Corner, Emily Remler

Grant Stoner | Published on 5/26/2024

Grant's Guitar Corner Pick
Emily Remler, Firefly

My album pick for this month is, Emily Remler "Firefly" 1981 Concord jazz CD. 

Back some years ago, there weren't many female guitarists of note. Nowadays you can find 8 year old girls playing Paganini's 24th Caprice or Van Halen on guitar all over YouTube. But I think Emily Remler was one of the first truly great female guitar players, at least that I know of. And not just like the stupid old saying "pretty good for a girl". She can be mentioned in the same breath as any of the greats like Wes Montgomery, Joe Pass, Herb Ellis, and any others you might name.

Just listen to "Firefly" her first as a leader, and her nickname. Great versions of classic standards by Duke, Wes, Jobim and others. Not just renditions, but fully realized with incredible sense of melody and prodigious technique.

The sound is excellent as well. Perfectly recorded and featuring the backing band of Hank Jones on piano, Bob Maize on bass, and Jake Hanna on drums. The sound presentation is clear, nicely spaced, and with a good spread on drums. 

I'd highly recommend any of her albums. She only recorded 7 as a leader, though she appeared as a guest in about 8 more. Tragically, she died at age 32 from heart failure due to opioid abuse. But for those in the know, while she was here she burned like a firefly.
